Wealth Video series


Estate Planning & Wills

Ensuring your estate planning and wills are up to date is an important but often forgotten task. Life is unpredictable and if for some reason the unthinkable did happen, having your estate and will in order will guarantee that those you love are looked after how you want them to be. In this video we will guide you through the why, what, who and how of estate planning and wills so that you can rest assured regardless of what might be around the corner.In this video you will learn about topics including:

  • Why it is never too early to consider your estate planning

  • Key times in life when you need to review and update your plans and will

  • Remember that your superannuation is directed by your beneficiary nomination, not your Will

  • Why a Will is a working document that needs to be reviewed every 2–3 years at a minimum

  • The things to consider in the planning and will creation process:

  • Your executors–the people who administer and carry out your Will

  • guardians for your children

  • What ages you would like your children to be to have access to Estate Assets

  • Who should look after those assets for your children in the meantime and should they be in a trust?

  • Can your Will be contested?

  • Equalisation between children and beneficiaries

  • What is a memorandum of wishes?

  • What happens if you need an enduring power of attorney–if you lose mental capacity while living

Investing 101

The share market is an ocean of opportunity, however not all opportunities are equal. Understanding the world of investing and how and where you can start your investment journey is the first step to creating a diversified portfolio with long-term wealth strategies in place. In this video you will learn to understand the everyday world of investing so that you are empowered to make the best decisions for you and your family. In this video you will learn:

  • The concepts of risk and return and what they mean

  • The four broad types of investment assets and their pros and cons:
    1. Cash
    2. Bonds
    3. Property

  • Why five years is the key timeframe consideration for any investment

  • How and why diversification is the key to balance

Cultivating a wealth mindset for investing success

Investing and wealth creation are as much about your mindset as your financial position. Money and its management can evoke many emotions in people and in the video we explore how you can best prepare yourself for a success when navigating the sharemarket.

In this video you will learn:

  • The Biggest regret for investors

  • The importance of the time factor and the power of compounding

  • How a “wealth mindset”can be broken down into a “savings mindset”

  • The principles of save first and spend what’s left vs spend first and save what’s left

  • The 118-year Australian share annual market average that proves share market investing works

  • Why diversification is key

  • How to keep costs to a minimum

The beauty of the share market

Once you understand that buying shares is the same as becoming a part owner of a company, it’s somewhat easier to understand how prices can move up and down each day.

This is a reflection of what all the participants in the market feel a particular company is worth at any one moment, based on the knowledge they have at that time. There are different approaches you can take to investing in shares.

Some people prefer to actively trade their share investments on a regular basis, sometimes multiple times per day. Others will take a longer-term position and buy into an investment in the belief that returns will gradually go up over time.

Enjoy the video where we explore the share market in its entirety and give you a full overview of what you need to know to start your share market adventure today.

Insurances 101

Insurance is the warranty for when life hands you the unexpected. Hopefully you will never need to cash in on it, but having it means you can sleep a little easier at night. There are a multitude of insurances that a person should explore when developing their estate plan and planning for their future–and the future of their children and their children’s children. In the video you learn why, what and how to ensure you have the right protection in place for your family.

In this video you will learn:

  • Why your insurance need is directly tied to your estate planning needs

  • How different insurance relates to your wealth creation

  • The four types of insurance you need to consider

  • How and where superannuation fits into the insurance equation

  • Why you should always speak with an independent advisor before committing to any insurance

  • How to balance the cost of insurance

Superannuation 101

We talk about super a lot when it comes to tax planning and wealth creation, but you certainly want to make sure you’ve got the right vehicle for the job. If you get the selection right, you’ll have many happy years of investment returns ticking away in the background. If, on the other hand, you get it wrong, you’ll literally see thousands of dollars pass you by over the lifetime of your fund. In the video we explore the different super options and how you can choose what is best for you.

In the video you will learn:

  • The three broad types of superannuation that are available and their pros and cons

  • What you need to look for in a fund

  • What suits you at different stages of your journey and how this affects your fund choice

  • How to use superannuation as your tax-favourable investment vehicle

The life stages of money

We are passionate about giving you the right information so that you can make decisions that are right for you and your family now and in the future. Just as person grows and develops through different life stages so too does your financial needs and your money. In the next video we will share with you the different stages of life and how to ensure that you can set yourself up for financial success and longevity at each stage.

In this video you will learn about each different stage of life and how to maximise your opportunities including:

  • New to workforce/working and how to choose the right super

  • How to create strong saving habits

  • What to consider when you are getting married

  • How to discuss your financial goals with your significant other and achieve them together

  • The cost of having kids and the possible changes to income when 2 becomes 3

  • How to grow wealth over your lifetime

  • Why the key to getting ahead is to spend less than what you earn, and do something constructive with what’s left, and then repeat

  • How paying down debt will improve your net asset position

  • Strategies for successful retirement and what age you want to lay down the tools