What Do You Need to Do in 2018 to Ensure You Hit Your Financial Targets?

by Dominique Schuh

Hello and welcome to 2018!
Firstly, we would like to wish all our clients and friends at Schuh Group a very happy and prosperous year ahead. We would also like to share with you how we will be focusing on supporting you further this year to ensure that you, your family, employees and friends have the information and resources to take positive action around your finances in life & business.

We are passionate about giving you the right information so that you can make decisions that are right for you and your family now and in the future. As the old proverb says "it's not about your resource it's about your resourcefulness." In 2018, we will be sharing the best information we have around all things Money, Life and Business (and how they work together) to support you at every stage of the game, no matter what you have or where you are starting, we are dedicated to helping you move forward.

So, what that will look like for you is a change to the weekly mail-out we do.

Instead of just sharing the market update and other bits of news, we will provide you education around specific areas such as Superannuation, saving for a first home, how to educate your kids to save and more. We will also cover the basics and go deep on various business focuses such as tax minimisation and structures, and we will ensure that you are always given the latest updates (legislative, tax and alike) to make you compliant. Beyond this we will also provide you will tools and templates to download, that will support you to better manage, think about and share your financial goals and aspirations with others. So if you are a parent wanting to support a child move forward and buy their first home, or you are looking to enter the investment market, need to effectively plan for retirement or want to give your staff the low-down on how Superannuation can benefit them – we have you covered!

It became glaringly apparent to us about twelve months ago, when we welcomed a new addition to the Schuh family (the much loved and darling niece and granddaughter Adella below), that finances is about family and beyond profit and loss, having good financial health is about creating security so that you can enjoy the things that matter. We also realised that true wealth is education and that education begins from the moment a child is born as they watch what you do, why you do it and how you do it. So as we move forward this year, we are excited to further support you and yours on a journey to wealth that provides you with the freedom to enjoy the new additions and sleep soundly at night!

As the New Year is a great opportunity to put new habits in place that will give you the best chance of getting where you'd like to be with your money, right now is also the perfect time to set new goals. So, to kick off our new journey together, we suggest you take some time over the next days to consider the following: 

1. Am I happy with the amount of money I've saved or accumulated in the last three years?

2. What needs to have happened in my financial life over the next three years, for me to feel I've made good progress?

3. What are the obstacles getting in my way and slowing my progress down?

4. Will there be family life events in the future that I need to be planning for now?

The first step to change is having clarity. Taking time to reflect will provide you with the building blocks to move forward and achieve your goals and we are here to provide you with the coaching, strategy, and support along the way! We look forward to seeing and working with you in 2018

Book Your FREE Financial Health Check Now!

Yours in Wealth,
The Schuh Team
