7 Money Tips for 2022

It’s that time of year and we know a lot of your New Year’s resolutions may include money. Saving more, spending less, increasing earnings - most of us include some form of financial health as one of our goals for the New Year. Getting started can be a daunting task, and many are intimidated to do so - but you don’t have to be a sophisticated investor to manage your finances well. And your financial health is just as important as your physical and emotional well-being, and needs just as much attention. The below steps are simple to do and will make a significant improvement for the New Year.

1. Commit to Getting Your Finances On Track.
After the year we’ve experienced, what better time to start your path to financial health than 2022? The first step is always the hardest, and if you’re still reading this article, you’ve already completed it.

2. Organise Your Net Worth
First list out all of the places you have money. This will include superannuation accounts, investment accounts, savings account etc. Then move on to other assets, like home, car, valuables, etc. List the approximately worth for each item. The total dollar amount of all of these items combined equals your total assets. Do the same thing with your debts - list each account and the value for your credit cards, student loans, mortgage, etc. The total is your liabilities. Subtract your liabilities from your assets and you have a snapshot of your net worth.

3. Set Your Goals
Many see this step and their eyes start to glaze over because financial goals are obvious, right? Spend less. Save more. But a true financial plan includes your life goals. How do you know how much to save if you don’t know what you’re saving for? Money is just the tool that will help you reach them. Maybe you want to save as much as you can now to retire early - great, that’s a goal. Maybe you want to retire in 4 years - goal. Organise your goals in terms of timing: Start with 1 year, 3 years and 5 years. List them out, and how money can help you obtain them.

4. Record Your Budget
Notice I don’t say ‘Make’ a budget. The idea is not to set a strict spending schedule and never spend an extra dollar over that amount. The purpose of a budget is to simply see what you earn each month, how much you spend and what’s left over. List fixed expenses that are set each month (rent/mortgage, bills), discretionary costs (travel, eating out) and how much you save each month. The goal is to have a positive balance after you subtract expenses and savings from income. Then just use this as a guide for your spending. You don’t need to monitor it constantly, but look at it once a month and see if you’re on track. Setting it up is the hardest part - once you have a budget, it will make you feel more in control and confident with your finances.
We have made this easier for you by providing a budget template at the bottom of this email.

5. Save
Save Somewhere, Anywhere - we often have clients ask us where is the best place / vehicle to put their money. Should they put it in superannuation, keep it in cash, pay off mortgages quicker or invest in the market? While there are multiple savings strategies depending on your age, goals and worth, for those just getting started the simple answer is - just start saving. Automate the transfer of dollars every month to be sent to your savings account. There is no such thing as a wrong way to save. The goal is to create the habit of not spending everything you have, and creating a safety net. Just get started, then you can create a more detailed strategy down the road.

6. Look for the risks and minimise them
Have you checked your insurances lately? There have been a huge number of changes in this area between industry super funds and also personal insurances, that this can’t be a “set and forget” part of your financial plan. Dig out those policies and make sure they still meet your needs, or can in fact now be improved.

7. Get your Estate in order
Let this year be the year you check and update your estate planning. Don’t let another year role past without having a Will in place, or one that doesn’t meet your wishes for your family. Also take the time to check your superannuation beneficiaries as these sit outside of your Will.

The start of the New Year brings about a chance to start over, to do this year better than the last. By just taking a small amount of time to complete each step on this list, you’ve already become more financially organised, which will lead to improved overall health, confidence, opportunities and a better life.
